Backpackers tries very hard to save money during their travel.
A very effective way is, AVOID HOTELS!!
Hostels is a cheap alternative to hotels.
you can book a Hostel anywhere in the world with the widget on the
left sidebar of this blog.
There's another way to save money and ALSO.. get up close and personal with people living in that particular place.
Local Lodging -->that's the key.
When you local lodge. you are actually living in the same house as your leaser.
How does this actually happen?
Well, people with spare rooms but do not want a permanent leaser would put their rooms up for rent for a few days.
We (backpackers) would just book the room online or offline and stay for our traveling period. Some rooms come along with meals, some owners just invite you to meal even if it's not included. So be friendly , then you save both on accommodation and meals...
This is more popular in the Asia region especially in Japan and Taiwan where they name it 民宿 (min su).. means local's accommodation.
What to expect?
Don't expect 5 star service or 5 star food...or 5 star rooms...
The quality actually varies, some would have 6 star service and room but some would be more like hostels.
So make sure you only book those with popular ratings..but they do cost more..
If you can withstand anything and any enviroment then, just go ahead and book the cheapest one available.
Have fun lodging with the locals and get near to them.
Here's a few local lodging website:
For USA local lodging -->
RoomoramaFor UK local lodging -->
SpareRoomFor Worldwide -->
Vacation Renatals by Owners